What does Shirley Chisholm mean by “content ‘old darker’”

Answer :



Repeat the numbered steps from the first question.“Happy little homemaker”: Chisholm is referring to the idea that womenwere happy in their role as wives and mothers and not working outside thehouse.“Contented ‘old darkey’”: Chisholm is referring to the idea that AfricanAmericans were happy to work on plantations without aspiring to doanything else.If students are struggling, point them to the first sentence in theparagraph: “It has been observed before that society for a long time,discriminated against another minority, the blacks, on the same basis—thatthey were different and inferior.” Ask students who is being compared to“the blacks.” This will help them see that the focus of the paragraph is oncomparing the experiences of women and African Americans. Thecomparison continues in the second sentence in the paragraph.