The scatter plot shows the relationship between pages read per week and age. What is the range of the cluster shown in the scatter plot?
A) 8 to 10 years of age
B) 8 to 17 years of age
C) 32 to 39 pages read per week
D) 32 to 72 pages read per week

part 2:

The scatter plot shows the relationship between pages read per week and age. What is the domain of the cluster shown in the scatter plot?
A) 8 to 10 years of age
B) 8 to 17 years of age
C) 32 to 39 pages read per week
D) 32 to 72 pages read per week

The Scatter Plot Shows The Relationship Between Pages Read Per Week And Age What Is The Range Of The Cluster Shown In The Scatter Plot A 8 To 10 Years Of Age B class=