1. We sometimes use words differently in a
science setting than we do in our daily lives.
Examples of this are force, work, and energy.

(a) Use a dictionary to explain the difference
between how each of these words is used
in daily conversation and how each is
used in science and technology. You may
also want to go to the Internet for help.
Go to Nelson Science o to Nelson Science

(b) Do these differences in meaning make
it easier or harder to learn science and
technology? Explain.

(c) Are the words mass and weight part of this
same problem? Explain. How should the
terms be used?

Answer :


work can be the operation or function of something but it can also be the energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved or in everyday life it means to do something (specific thing). I don't know all of them by the way.


the differences in meaning sometimes makes it easier and sometimes makes it harder to learn science and technology. sometimes the everyday meaning might somehow be related to the science meaning which helps you grasp everything better while sometimes the meaning is so far fetched it makes it harder to know what you are learning. hope this helps