Answer :
We should utilized them property.
If we want to preserve traditional knowledge ,skill we have to promise to ourselves that we have to not to forget our tradition skill knowledge
They give our cultural identity.
They help in presentation of art.
In order to preserve our traditional knowledge, skill, and technology, we need to;
1. Incorporate them into our museums.
2. Set days aside for their remembrance.
3. Teach them to our children and younger generation.
4. Use them in our daily lives.
Our traditional knowledge, skill, and technology are things that identify us. Therefore, we must preserve them if we do not want to lose parts of ourselves. Museums are places where sacred things and valued aspects of our culture can be kept for preservation and monetization purposes. Special days in the year can also be marked for the celebration of these technologies and skills.
It is also vital that the younger generation are taught these skills and technologies so that they do not die with the older generation. Finally, we should proudly use these skills in our daily lives so that they become entrenched in our lives.
Conclusively, Museums, special days, teaching, and proudly using our skills, knowledge, and technology are effective ways to preserve them.
Learn more about the preservation of skills and technology here: