Answer :
Answer: It was not.
After China implemented the “one child only” policy, it met a struggle from rural families who only wanted sons. Which caused girls getting killed, aborted, or forced into adoption. It also caused millions and millions of children to go undocumented, meaning they basically don’t exist. They got denied help from most government services, mostly likely never receive education or even healthcare. Since many parents were unable to pay the expensive second-child find. This might have been there only option.
After China implemented the “one child only” policy, it met a struggle from rural families who only wanted sons. Which caused girls getting killed, aborted, or forced into adoption. It also caused millions and millions of children to go undocumented, meaning they basically don’t exist. They got denied help from most government services, mostly likely never receive education or even healthcare. Since many parents were unable to pay the expensive second-child find. This might have been there only option.