please can someone help my assignment

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Step-by-step explanation:
First know that any value raise to power zero is 1 and also according to the inverse law;
a⁻ⁿ = 1/aⁿ
Given the following
a) (-123)⁰ = 1 ()Note that any value raise to zero is 1
b) 43⁻⁵ = 1/43⁵
1/43⁵ = 1/147,008,443
c) 1/15⁻⁶ = 1/(1/15⁶)
1/(1/15⁶) = 1*15⁶/1
1/(1/15⁶) = 15⁶
d) -(1353348)⁰
= -1 (anything raise to zero is 1)
e) 13⁻⁴ = 1/13⁴
= 1/28,561