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In Cardiology Ward many patients have telemetry which there are ECG recorders installed. So after visiting the cardiology ward the doctor should review the ECG records for the whole day looking for whether the patient had heart rhythm disturbances. After visiting all his sick patients, he goes back to his desk to fill out the medical documentation. It incude primarily recommendations on what medications should be administered to the patient. Also includes the dates of planned tests, orders for pressure measurements, care recommendations. Then the doctor orderes the research for the next day - for example, blood tests, ultrasound, X-ray (some of these tests still have to be arranged by phone, it is not enough just to issue referrals in the system) and everything goes to the In many wards immediately after the briefing there is the round with the head physician which is once or several times a week. Then each doctor presents his patients in detail to the boss, and then the head physician examines the patient and, if necessary, gives orders about further proceedings. Many people participate in this celebration: nurses, rehabilitation specialists, students.
After completing his own tour or the tour with the Head practiser, the doctor starts the discharge. The doctor must put an epicrase on the discharge card. An epicry is like a summary of the entire treatment procedure. It begins with the words, for example, "A 56-year-old patient with a history of hypertension and dyslipidemia was admitted to the ward because of ..." then summarize the results of the research, treatment and describe the further proposed treatment. Then, recommendations are entered into the discharge card. information on recommended visits to clinics, adherence to diet, additional tests that must be performed after hospitalization. Finally, he write down the medications with dosing and write out prescriptions for them. If the patient needs a sick leave, it is also issued during the discharge. If he refer a patient to a clinic or another hospitalization, he also include referrals to the discharge.
At the end of the working day, it is time to enter observations about each patient. The doctor fill in observations, complaints reported by the patient, deviations in tests, pressure, heart rate, recommendations agreed with the Head practiser. This is done primarily so that, in the event that something happens to the patient during the shift, the doctor on duty can quickly obtain the necessary information. In the afternoon, families usually come to find out about the patient's health condition, sothe doctor can pass on all important information to the family.
The working day ends around 15.30. The duty begins at this time and lasts until the next morning briefing.
I was most interested in the conversations about the medical world after the briefing. In my opinion, this is a way to start the day with new curiosities in a positive way.
I also heard that the doctor has a lot of paperwork, but I didn't think that much. It might seem that he is just writing, researching, observing and doing nothing else. Fortunately, computer progress made the work much easier and certainly shortened the time spent on writing medical documentation.
I also found a video of how to prepare a patient for surgery
So the patient is prepared for surgery by the anesthesia nurse and then transported to the patient's admission airlock. There the patient moves from the hospital bed to the stretcher. The nurse conducts an interview and checks the medical documentation. Then the patient is transported to the operating theater. After that he is connected to a monitor that allows monitoring of cardiovascular and respiratory functions. Then the patient is anesthetized. He is given medications ordered by the anesthesiologist. The patient is intubated and treatment procedures can begin. After the surgery, the patient is taken to the recovery room where he is constantly monitored. The patient is gradually awakened. When he regains consciousness and everything is fine, he is taken to the ward.
To sum up, work in a hospital is hard and requires a lot of responsibility. But make an accurate diagnosis and the view that the patient get over brings a lot of satisfaction.