(03.02 HC)
Read the quote from a U.S. public official and answer the question that follows.
"Most of the money we're investing as part of this plan will get out the door immediately and go directly to job-creation, generating or saving three to four million new jobs. ... But even
as this plan puts Americans back to work today, it will also make those critical investments in alternative energy and safer roads, better health care and modern schools that will lay
the foundation for long-term growth and prosperity.... because that is how America will retain and regain its competitive edge in the 21st century."
Which economic principle does the quote most directly support and which does it most directly contradict?
O Supports Adam Smith's free enterprise, contradicts Karl Marx's social equity
O Supports Adam Smith's minimal but progressive taxation, contradicts John Maynard Keynes's government responsibility
O Supports John Maynard Keynes's government responsibility, contradicts Adam Smith's free enterprise
O Supports Karl Marx's social equity, contradicts John Maynard Keynes's government responsibility