Which is one property of silt soils?
a. is loose
b. retains water
c. drains quickly
d. has coarse particles
Which increases the rate of soil formation?
a. Mixed layers
b. More Precipitation
c. Cooler temperatures
d. Very hard parent material
Which factor contributes to both chemical and mechanical weathering?
a. Brasion
b. Freezing
c. Oxidation
d. Water Which best describes the soils found in the southeastern United States?
a. Frozen
b. Sandy
c. Weathered
d. Young Which describes the horizons in a soil profile? a. Horizon A is mineral deficient. b. Horizon O forms from organic material. c. Horizon B undergoes the least amount of change. d. Horizon C is most affected by the soil formation process.
Which describes the formation of Horizon B?
a. forms at the surface
b. features parent material
c. undergoes the most change
d. forms due to decomposed material
Which soil would most likely be found in the Arctic?
a. Andisols
b. Gelisols
c. Histosols
d. Spodosols