5. A scientist uses the diagram below to describe the function of the organelle in question 4.
Using the diagram and your knowledge of biology, identify the following:
a. Organelle A_____
b. Substance A_____
c. Substance B_____

RT 2: Regents Review!
ections: Recall what you learned in unit 1 about designing an experiment to answer the ientist is interested in the effect that the amount of glucose given to a mitochondria n unt of carbon dioxide that is produced.
scientist sets up three containers: Container 1 holds 20 mitochondria and a 0.5 %cor ainer 2 holds 20 mitochondria and a 1.0 % concentration of glucose; and Container 3 hondria and a 5.0 % concentration of glucose. 0.5 % concentration of glucose is co

5 A Scientist Uses The Diagram Below To Describe The Function Of The Organelle In Question 4 Using The Diagram And Your Knowledge Of Biology Identify The Follow class=