6. Complete these statements to accurately explain why the Renaissance began in the Italian city-states. (Pg. 37-38)
a. Renaissance Italy was a patchwork quilt of city-states. Many were centers of ______________ and _____________.
b. Most of the cities lay in northern Italy, surrounded by _______________ of the ancient ______________ _________________.
c. Many wealthy Italians financed art, architecture, humanist ideas, literature, and learning.
d. Since towns were booming centers of commerce and craftsmanship, it created the conditions for major _____________.
7. What ways did Renaissance ideas spread beyond Italy? (Pg. 95)
a. Italians exported _____________ goods and ________________ Greek and Latin texts printed in Venice.
b. ________________________ took Renaissance ideas, art, and architecture with him to the French court.
c. Scholars traveled from ________________ to _________________ carrying Italian ideas with them.
d. When Italian art patrons fell on hard times many sold their art to pay their debts. Art thieves and foreign spies stole artwork and ideas.