Explain the Historical Context to the Q and A below
The commercial practices shown in the images emerged in order to
A- Facilitate a growing trade in luxury goods by providing greater access to credit and currency

IMAGE ONE: “ The smaller Chinese characters on the lower half of the note say, “This note can be circulated in various provinces without expiration dates. Counterfeiters will be put to death. 2

IMAGE TWO: “Moneylending at intrest in a banking house, the treattise on the seven sins, manuscript produced in genoa, northern Italy fourteenth century” The latin text in the upper left hand corner warns against greed

Explain The Historical Context To The Q And A Below The Commercial Practices Shown In The Images Emerged In Order To A Facilitate A Growing Trade In Luxury Good class=
Explain The Historical Context To The Q And A Below The Commercial Practices Shown In The Images Emerged In Order To A Facilitate A Growing Trade In Luxury Good class=