Instructions: While watching Domain 2 Lesson 2 , fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor. [References are found in the brackets.]
1. A marketing method that uses customized newsletters to engage with customers is____ [Marketing Platforms and Marketing Methods]
2. A marketing method that uses ads on a website within a search engine is____ advertising. [Marketing Platforms and Marketing Methods]
3. The four segments of sales data are______ geographical, demographic, and psychographic. [Market Reactions and Sales Data]
4 ______data provides information about a customer's age, gender, or ethnicity. [Market Reactions and Sales Data]
5. Investors use_____ to determine the cost of acquiring new customers. [Customer Acquisition and Retention Costs]
6. The formula used to determine customer acquisition costs is______ expenses plus sales expenses divided by the number of new customers for the period. [Customer Acquisition and Retention Costs]
7. It is more_____ to keep current customers than to acquire new customers. [Customer Acquisition and Retention Costs]
8. Customer retention rates are found by______ the number of new customers acquired during a period from the number of customers at the end of a period, then dividing by the number of customers from the start of the period and multiplying by 100 . [Customer Acquisition and Retention Costs]
9. An______ provides an overview of the marketing plan, [Elements of a Marketing Plan]
10. The four P 's of the marketing mix are product, price, place, and___ [Elements of a Marketing Plan]