Your assignment will include the following information, your assignments should have 10- 15 slides to capture all the required research information; Itemized list of required Secondary required courses for Post Secondary Education, do not generalize be specific (40 marks) List 3 Colleges or Trade schools that provide upgrading/ apprenticeship/ pre apprenticeship courses. Your list will include College names, addresses, contact number and contact person overseeing the course, application process, admission requirements, tuition costs (100 marks) List the courses within the program (Intake/ Level 1,2 or 3) and the length of program to complete all Levels, hours or weeks (80 marks) Total working apprenticeship hours, MTCU apprenticeship code example (A309) and required passing grade for C of Q (100 marks) Job opportunities pertaining to your field of Apprenticeship, list 3 companies and their ad, starting wages apprentice to journeyman, benefits, RRSP contributions, shifts. Do not just copy the ad, research the company they will have a website, tell me about them (100 marks) Some helpful websites are listed belo