Your assignment will include the following information, your assignments should have 10- 15 slides to capture all the required research information;  Itemized list of required Secondary required courses for Post Secondary Education, do not generalize be specific (40 marks)  List 3 Colleges or Trade schools that provide upgrading/ apprenticeship/ pre apprenticeship courses. Your list will include College names, addresses, contact number and contact person overseeing the course, application process, admission requirements, tuition costs (100 marks)  List the courses within the program (Intake/ Level 1,2 or 3) and the length of program to complete all Levels, hours or weeks (80 marks)  Total working apprenticeship hours, MTCU apprenticeship code example (A309) and required passing grade for C of Q (100 marks)  Job opportunities pertaining to your field of Apprenticeship, list 3 companies and their ad, starting wages apprentice to journeyman, benefits, RRSP contributions, shifts. Do not just copy the ad, research the company they will have a website, tell me about them (100 marks) Some helpful websites are listed belo