In a 4-5 page paper, provide responses to parts A and B below. Organize your paper with the headings "Levels of Organizational Innovation" and "Value Cluster - Name" (insert the name of the value cluster that you choose to focus on).
Part A: Analyze and explain the difference between the three levels of organizational innovation (tactical, strategic, and transformational). Show how they differ in their influence on an organization's culture. Illustrate with examples from your own experience.
Part B: Select three of the five value clusters from Chapter 8 that are shown to support innovative activities in organizations and discuss how the value clusters help develop and sustain an innovative culture. Use your place of employment or another organization you are familiar with as an example. (The value clusters are: 1. Trust, Engagement, and Ownership Through Careful Hiring, Training, and Expectations that Are Met; 2. Collaboration, Inclusion, Collocation, and Transparency; 3. Latitude, Individual Initiative, and Informed Risk-Taking; 4. Useful Failure, Boundarylessness, and Learning; and 5. Leadership, Policies, and Practices that Support Entrepreneurship.)