Heuristics are a commonly used to solve one-to-many transportation problems. Which of the following statements are true?
a) The solution proposed by the Clark-Wright algorithm is sending the vehicles out and back, from the DC to each delivery destination.
b) The Clark-Wright algorithm pairs the nodes that generate the highest savings first.
c) The solution provided by the Clark- Wright algorithm will generate more savings than the one provided by MILP for the same VRP problem.
d) The Clark-Wright algorithm is a fast and robust method to find a solution to the VRP problem.
e) When solving a VRP using the Clark-Wright algorithm, we cannot add constraints such as time or capacity. The only variables that can be included are distance and cost
I am sure that "d" is correct, as the algorithm is designed to search fast for a solution, which is not the optimal solution. So the algorith is fast and robust, but not perfect. But the algorithm is not designed for this task.
for "b" I am not sure, but tend to think that it could be right, as clark wright is in my opinion designed for this logic. The other options - I don´t know. Can somebody solve and / or explain?