E12-23. (Matching Match the items in the following right column with those in the left column: 1. An act of Congress that gives a department and/or agency authority to a Outlays obligate the federal government to make disbursements for goods and services b. Obligation c. Disbursement 2. Document sent to the Treasury ordering it to pay vendors and employeesschedule 3. Sets standards for federal government accounting d. GASB 4. Type of fund used to account for commercial-type operations of federal 5. Action by which the OMB distributes amounts appropriated by Congress Appropriation f. Revolving fund g. Apportionment agencies Payments of obligations obligation h. FASAB i. Allotment j. Trust fund _6. 7. Reserves budgetary authority from an allotment in anticipation of an 8. Federal equivalent of encumbrances used by state and local governmental k. Deferral I. Commitment units 9. Type of fund that finances Social Security payments