SHARMAPANISHA018GO SHARMAPANISHA018GO English Answered Remember the Leave It to Beaver reruns on television? Mother would spend the day whisking around the house in a stylish outfit protected by an apron, tidying and scrubbing and fixing a delicious dinner, and greet Father warmly when he returned from his day at work. Well, times have changed. Or have they? More than 61 percent of married American women are part of the workforce today. But guess who is still tidying and scrubbing and fixing delicious dinners in American homes? Women. And-here's the kicker-most women seem to think this is fair! Paragraph from Michael Hughes in Sociology: The Core, 7th ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005, p. 267. Copyright © 2005 McGraw-Hill. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. a. rueful b. nostalgicc. amazedd. scolding Ju