Please choose from the bold
1. The mass of a 4/2He nucleus is (greater than / equal to / less than ) the sum of the masses of two protons and two neutrons, all separated from each other.
2. The mass of a 3/2 He nucleus is (greater than / equal to / less than ) the sum of the masses of a 1/1H
nucleus and a 2/1H nucleus, separated from each other.
3. The mass of a 235/92 U nucleus is (greater than / equal to / less than ) the sum of the masses of a 141/56 Ba
nucleus and a 92/36 Kr nucleus, and two neutrons, all separated from each other.
4. The mass of a 56/26 Fe nucleus is (greater than / equal to / less than ) the sum of the masses of a 26/12 Mg
nucleus and a 30/14 Si nucleus, separated from each other.