A sample of 100 Jubilee party voters revealed the following concerning three candidates; Ali, Bungei and Nyokabi, who were running for the Party Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. 14 preferred booth Ali and Bungei; 49 preferred Ali or Bungei but not Nyokabi; 21 preferred Bungei but not Nyokabi or Ali; 61 preferred Bungei or Nyokabi but not Ali; 32 preferred Nyokabi but not Ali or Bungei and 7 preferred Ali and Nyokabi but not Bungei. i) Present the above information using a Venn diagram (2 marks) ii) With the aid of a Venn diagram, determine the number of voters that were in favor of all the three candidates. Assume that every member of Jubilee party voted for at least one candidate. (6 marks) iii) Determine the candidate that went unopposed if a rule of 50% majority were used in such a decision. (2 marks)