for the system of question 1, compute the fault current and voltages at the fault for the following faults at bus 3: (a) a bolted single line-to-ground fault, (b) a bolted line-to-line fault, (c) a bolted double line-to-ground fault. also, for the single line-to-ground fault at bus 3, determine the currents and voltages at the terminals of generators g1 and g2. Equipment ratings and per-unit reactances for the system shown in Figure 1 are given as follows: Using a 100-MVA, 230-kV base for the transmission lines, draw the per-unit sequences networks and reduce them to their Thevenin equivalents, "looking in" at bus 3. Neglect delta-Y phase shifts. Compute the fault currents for a bolted three-phase fault at bus 3.