An African researcher has made encouraging progress in using a pesticide from an indigenous plant to combat bilharzia-the parasitic disease that afflicts 250 million people in the Third World. Over the past five years, an experiment has been going on in Ethiopia which has made encouraging progress in the fight against a disease that ravages three continents. The village of Adwa in northem Ethiopia is already remembered in African history as the place where the 19th century Italian colonizers were halted. Now, it is the setting for a new initiative against a harder and more insidious enemy-the bilharzia parasite. Activity 2.2. Instruction: The following questions are based on the paragraph you have just read. Before you read the succeeding paragraphs: a) Group yourselves and discuss the questions with your group members; and b) write its summary in a very short sentence. 1. What is the main idea of the paragraph? - 2. What do you think the next paragraphs will be about? -