2 The 1st part of Burgoyn's Plan was for him to
take 7,700 men south from
toward Albany.
3 Treaty that ended the Revolutionary War
4 In the Treaty of Paris, the British gave
back to SP.
8 BR General that developed a three-pronged
attack-3 generals will meet at Albany and then
march to NY to isolate New England from the
southern colonies.
odde onics.
11 A combined force 17,000 men defeats
Cornwallis at this final battle
12 Native American tribe that joins the BR in hops
of keeping American settlers off their lands
13 1st BR commander in New England
15 FR Admiral of the fleet heading for Yorktown.
16 After evacuating Boston, the BR landed 32,000
troops in
to intimidate the
17 Commander of the sharpshooters
20 Served as BR headquarters throughout the war
23 On Christmas Day, George Washington took
2400 of his men and crossed the Delaware
River in a surprise raid on 1500 British-
26 Defeats the BR gunship Serapis. "I have not yet
begun to fight!"
28 Cornwallis decided to invade
b/c he knew the FR were on their way and that
if new troops and supplies kept coming from
the south their was very little time left to win
the war
30 Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to
encourage the soldiers retreating from NY
These are the times that try men's souls"
32 Washington bluffed the British into evacuating
by placing cannons around the city
with no ammo
33 Governor of SP Louisiana, allowed the U.S., &
FR to use the MS River to supply the rebels -
he also fights BR troops at Baton Rouge,
Natchez, Mobile & Pensacola
35 General from Prussia that helps discipline and
train the troops at Valley Forge
37 Leader of AM force that caused Comwallis and
Amold to retreat to Yorktown
39 A 19 year old French aristocrat, volunteers to
serve without pay, is appointed major general,
& will be one of GWs most trusted aides.
40 As Washington retreats from New York the
British stop chasing him and head toward
41 Results in the first major American victory of
the Revolutionary War and turning point
42 FR General leading 6,000 FR troops with GW
to attack NY City but he learns that FR fleet
was on its way from the Caribbean
43 Joined the US after Saratoga, the first nation to
officially recognize the United States as an
independent nation
44 Under the Articles of Confederation,
is the sole authority.
45 Congress adopted this as the first government
1 Declared war on BR, but did not make an
alliance with the US.
2 The worst AM defeat of the War. 5400 (entire S
Army) captured.
6 The 2nd part of Burgoyne's Plan was for a force
of BR and their Indian allies go up the St.
Lawrence to Lake Ontario and then turn cast
toward Albany.
6 General Clinton returned to NY and left
in command of the Southern
7 In the Treaty of Paris, France received BR
colonies in Africa and the
9 Because of the defeat at Saratoga,
British forces.
commander of all Breplaces Gen. Howe as
10 Where Loyalist support is strongest-the BR
hope to keep this region b/c of valuable crops
even if they lose New England
14 Known as
against BR
"swamp fox" led hit and run raids
against BR camps a
s and supply wagons
18 In the Treaty of
of Paris, the
independence and the
the BR recognize AM
as the
United States' western border.
19 Commander of West Point, plan to turn over
West Point is discovered and he flees to the BR
ship Vulture& fights for the BR.
21 Battle in which GW is defeated, Congress
leaves Philadelphia, & the BR occupy it
22 Gen. Howe will come north up t
from New York City toward Albany.
24 Named as the new commander of the Southern
Army that begins a strategy of wearing down
the BR by leading Gen. Cornwallis on a six
month chase through the back woods of SC.
NC, & VA.
25 Licenses that authorized private ship owners to
attack BR merchant ships allowing the seizure
of millions of $ in cargo
27 Howe wanted to capture NY to separate
from the Southern states
29 BR cavalry officers the led many Loyalist
forces in the Carolinas-known for their
31 A wealthy Pennsylvania merchant & banker
that personally pledged large amounts of money
for the war
34 American spy for GW-as he was executed he
said, "I only regret that I have but one life to
lose for my country"
36 Where the Continental Arthy led by
Washington set up winter quarters. They have
little food, no shoes or blanket, nearly 2,500 die
from food shortages and cold
38 The British were forced to stop their advance on
Philadelphia because
had begun.