You get the call on a Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Fisher, a famous surgeon, has been found dead in his high-rise apartment. So far, the police aren’t sure if it was a mUrder or a $uicide. The coroner has removed the body, and police have secured the crime scene and dusted for prints. Now it’s your turn! You’ll be using your forensic knowledge to photograph the scene, take notes, and collect evidence. With a little luck, you just might be able to solve the mystery . . . In this activity, you’ll begin investigating the mock crime scene. Using the instructions below, have a friend or family member set up the crime scene for you—or set it up yourself. Be sure to get permission from an adult in your home before setting up as some of the ‘evidence’ may be messy! You’ll need the following materials: Masking tape Post-it notes Brown paper bags Plastic sandwich bags Ruler or measuring tape Dark hair sample (can use dark-colored paper or thread) Light hair sample (can use light-colored paper or thread) A piece of notebook paper White powder (e.g. flour, baking soda) A glass A table and chair An object representing a pool of bl0od (e.g. a red paper cut-out) An object representing a gUn (e.g. cardboard or paper) A small object to represent a spent shell casing from a bu!let Set the crime scene up in an available room or space, as follows: Put the glass on the table, in easy reach of the chair. Scatter some of the white powder near the glass, on the table. Put the dark hair sample on the chair. Put the piece of notebook paper on the floor next to the table. On the floor beside the chair, use the masking tape to mark the outline of a body. Put the gUn at the hand of the body outline. Put the shell casing far off to the left. Put the light hair sample near the door. Put the red paper cut-out representing the bl0od on the