5. It's easy to turn an adjective into an adverb: you can do it easily. If the word doesn't end in y, sometimes
you can add -ly. "Quiet" becomes "quietly," and "sincere" becomes "sincerely." If an adjective ends in y,
drop the y and add -ily. And if the adjective ends in -ic, add -ally to the end. "Happy" becomes "happily,"
"hasty" becomes "hastily" and "automatic" becomes "automatically."
There are a few adjectives that change irregularly when they are transformed into adverbs. For example,
the adjective "good" becomes "well." The adjectives "hard," "little," "fast," "early" and "daily" are exactly
the same as adverbs.
Which of the following sentences uses "hard" as an adverb?
A. The loaf of bread was too hard and stale to
C. Gloria loved camping but hated sleeping on
the hard ground.
B. The children worked hard and cleared the
garden by the afternoon.
D. Hector didn't think the math problem was
hard at all, and he easily solved it.