Directions and Analysis
Task 1: Participating in a Student Organizations
In the beginning of this course, you received an assignment to join a student organization,
such as Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and be an active
participant in all its events and projects. The activity required you to
• participate in all the activities of the student organization;
keep a record of your participation in meetings, programs, and projects;
• take notes about the history, purposes and goals of the student organization;
identify the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a
student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult; and
● use a computer to record the information above and process it to create a slide show
This activity is now due. Upload the activity log that you have kept through this course.
Also, upload the slide show presentation that you have created describing
• the history, purposes and goals of the student organization that you chose to join;
• the activities you performed as a member of this student organization; and
• the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student
and in professional/civic organizations as an adult.
Type your response here: