1 When Moose found herself stuffed into the cat carrier, she arched her furry shoulders and emitted a yowl of extreme displeasure. Imagine her horror when she realized they weren't simply visiting the vet.
2 We're off to live in the city!' Archie had chirped.
3 Dismayed at leaving her perfect country life, Moose licked the side of one calico paw, getting it good and wet before dragging it across her face. If only she could wash off her sadness as easily. Moose slept on and off throughout the journey.
4 Inside the new apartment, Moose bounded out into the new space, sniffing out every corner. The place was smaller than their country cottage, but that was okay-If she got bored in here, she'd just go outside.
5 Now, where's that cat door? thought Moose, engaging in a fruitless search. Not to worry, Moose reassured herself, IIl just make my own.
6 Meanwhile Archie, after spinning around in a giddy circle and proclaiming his love for the city, unpacked his pillow and announced he was taking a nap. That's when Moose noticed the open window. Crouching low, she wiggled her hindquarters and leaped onto the windowsill to inspect the screen. Piece of cake' Moose scratched out a cat-sized hole and crawled out onto the front stoop.
7 Climbing down the front steps, Moose made her way down the sidewalk, stopping every few feet to take in the city smells. When a monstrous garbage truck roared down the street, Moose, startled, scrambled into a bush.
8 "You're not from around here are you?"
9 Surprised at the sudden voice, Moose arched her back, raising the hairs along her spine-but it was only an orange tabby cat. "Gosh, you scared melt" Moose spat.
10 I'm sorry," the orange cat laughed, 'where are my manners? Name's George."
11 "Moose," she replied, "and you're right, I just moved here from the country."
12 "Welcome-and it's really not so scary, once you get used to all the cars and stuff, so come only"
13 After a few moments of indecision, Moose followed, asking. "You know where we can get a bite to eat?' Her tummy rumbled as she realized that Archie had neglected to set out her food before lying down for his little snooze. Priorities, human!
14 "Indeed I do" George purred, turning down an alleyway. "These restaurant dumpsters back here always have leftover goodies."
15 Moose and George were snacking on poached salmon in a creamy dill sauce when a shaggy white cat with dirty paws and patches of missing fur wandered up. A burly gray tomcat loomed on one side of him and a mean-looking tabby on the other.
16 "T'm getting out of here, Moose," George whispered. "City cats aren't like country cats-you don't want to fall in with the wrong crowd." But the three cats blocked his passage.
17 What are you doing here?" hissed Shaggy White. "Me and my boys have an afternoon reservation at this dumpster." The three cats crept closer:
15 Moose and George were snacking on poached salmon in a creamy dill sauce when a shaggy white cat with dirty paws and patches of missing fur wandered up. A burly gray tomcat loomed on one side of him and a mean-looking tabby on the other.
16 "I'm getting out of here, Moose," George whispered. "City cats aren't like country cats-you don't want to fall in with the wrong crowd." But the three cats blocked his passage.
17 "What are you doing here?" hissed Shaggy White. "Me and my boys have an afternoon reservation at this dumpster." The three cats crept closer.
18 "Ah ... um, this afternoon?" George stuttered.
19 "Every afternoon," hissed Shaggy as he and his pals slunk closer, shoulder muscles rippling with every forward step.
20 Suddenly, George screeched, leaping high in the air and hitting the ground running. He's abandoning me? How rude, Moose thought.
21 "We haven't seen you around here before-what's your name?" Shaggy asked.
22 Moose calmly licked salmon juice off her paw while inside, her panicked heart fluttered. Maybe these cats weren't so bad, but then why had George been afraid?
23 "Excuse me, gentlemen," Moose said, placing her clean paw on the ground and tilting her face ever so slightly upward. "But I have an appointment in five minutes." Moose swerved daintily around the tom trio and then darted out of the alley.
24 Thirty minutes later, Moose walked up the stoop of her new building and leaped onto the windowsill. Since eluding the tomcats, she'd been chased by a dog, had her tail pulled by a toddler, and gotten lost twice. Exhausted, she squeezed through the screen, collapsed next to Archie, and curled up into a ball. When she woke up, it was evening and Archie was dragging his toolbox over to the window.
25 "Lucky I found this hole before someone decided to take herself on a tour of the city," he said, patching the screen.
26 Don't worry, Moose thought, stretching her paws forward luxuriously before leaping up to the window. From now on, as far as the city's concerned, I think I'll just sit here and watch.