4. Rulers receive the right to govern from the peaple and unfair rulers can be forced from plower
5. Man is not bornta be a good or evil person - he is mode one woy ar other by his life experiences and saciety arcund himt.
1. An obsolut a ruler in an undecirable leader becouse one-rvan rule limits basic freederss suach os sperch, press, and relgion.
2. There should be a 'separat ion of pewers' in government befween legislative, executive and judieial.
3. 5 livery, torture, religlous persecution, and censarship are all wrong.
4. A man is innecent until proven guilty.
5. When ane country increases it 5 militery power, 50 $d o$ othericountries. therefore all notions should limit their military strength in order to reduce the chances of war.
1. A man should not be persecuted becouse of his. religious beliefs.
2. Religious myths and ceremonies do nathing to make men better and should therefare be ignored.
3. Clergymen ore more interested in increosing the power of the Church that they are in moking mon better.
4. A scientist is a greater person then a conquering general.
5. All men should be treated as equals and should have freedom of the speech and of the press.
6. Democracy is not a good form of government because the common people are not capable of governing themselves; the best government is one headed by a good and fair king.
1. It is unfair that some people are rich while other people are poor.
2. The rich should not enjoy special privileges.
3. Compared to man during the Stone Age, modern. man is unhappy, insecure, and greedy.
4. Social and political reforms must be made before man can be a good person.

4 Rulers Receive The Right To Govern From The Peaple And Unfair Rulers Can Be Forced From Plower 5 Man Is Not Bornta Be A Good Or Evil Person He Is Mode One Woy class=