was splashed by hot grease. EXERCISE INSTRUCTION: The following sentences have problems. Revise them as nece may have to change a word or two to make the sentence meaningful. Rewrite the line provided. Example: Brushing the street, I saw the street sweeper go by. Brushing the street, the street sweeper went by me 1. Blowing at 100 miles per hour, the roof was ripped off. Shaving in front of the steamy mirror, the razor nicked Edward's chin. Reading the newspaper, my dog sat with me on the front steps. 4. Pitching his tent, a snake bit Tony on the ankle. 5. Munching leaves from a tall tree, the children were fascinated by the giraffe 6. Chopping the onions, the knife cut her finger. 7. Turning over the bacon, hot grease splashed my arm. 8. Knowing the answer, my hand was raised. 2. 3. 9. Walking in the rain, my shoes got wet. 10. Tired after work, a nap was what I wanted. D. Misplaced Modifiers Modern English relies heavily upon word order to show relationships among order is crucial to meaning in English. Just as word order is the verk ohia