Chapter 13: Another View of Hester
The Scarlet Letter
Create a biopoem for one of the major characters, following this
Line 1: First name
Line 2: Four traits that describe the character
Line 3: Relative of _______
Line 4: Lover of ___, ___, ____
Line 5: Who feels ___, ___, ____
Line 6: Who needs ___, ___, ____
Line 7: Who fears ___, ___, ____
Line 8: Who gives ___, ___, ____
Line 9: Who would like to see __, __, ___
Line 10: Resident of _____
Line 11: Last Name
Line 4: (three things or people)
5: (three things)
6: (three things)
7: (three things)
8: (three things)
9: (three things)