Similarly, agencies may offer the public opportunities to provide general comments on discussion topics through other means. This
includes, but is not limited to, social media websites; blogs; microblogs; audio, photo, or video sharing websites; or online message boards
(whether hosted on a .gov domain or by a third-party provider).
If agencies post surveys of any kind, including satisfaction surveys that pose identical, specific questions, the Paperwork Reduction ACT
(PRA) does apply. These surveys, like in-person, mail, or telephone surveys, are subject to the public notice and comment requirements of
the PRA and must have OMB approval before use.
Select the correct answer.
Read the excerpt from a government memo. Using context clues, determine the meaning of the term "gener
a citizen's opinion mailed to the agency
O a questionnaire for the public to answer
an employee memo posted on a public website
a government initiative to reduce paper usage
an official interacting with the public online