Read this passage.
"Did you know that doing good deeds might help you feel better, not just emotionally, but physically? Here
are a few ways that being kind benefits your mind and body. First, helping others increases serotonin in your
brain. Serotonin is linked to feelings of satisfaction and wellbeing. Being kind to others also releases
endorphins, which contributes to happiness. Reduced anxiety and stress is another effect of showing kindness
to others. Research has shown that people who performed acts of kindness experienced positive moods, such
as joy, interest, and alertness. Over time, these positive feelings counteract and reduce feelings of social
anxiety. Performing acts of kindness also increased people's ability to cope with stress as well as decreased the
effects of stress on their bodies.
Surprisingly, being kind is also linked to heart health. People who do acts of kindness experience a release
of oxytocin, which dilates the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure. Additionally, loneliness, or social
isolation, actually puts stress on the cardiovascular system. The stress of social isolation is as big of a risk to
your heart as having high cholesterol, having high blood pressure, or smoking. The answer to loneliness is to
have a strong network of friends and family to rely on. What better way to build relationships than by showing
What is the implied main idea?
• Kindness is the best way to be stay physically fit and be consistently happy.
• The simple act of being kind can improve your health.
• Being kind to your family and friends is more beneficial than being kind to strangers.
• Performing acts of kindness increases the ability to cope with stress.