Read the excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms Speech," and then consider the four-framed image.

The image has four distinct frames. The first frame is labeled Freedom of Speech and has several men and women reading various newspapers. The second frame is labeled Freedom of Religion and has people of many different religions and cultures standing and praying. The third frame is labeled Freedom from Want and has a couple sitting around a dining room table, a large platter of turkey and several side dishes in front of them. The fourth frame is labeled Freedom from Fear and has members of a marching band parading in front of a Ferris wheel and a carnival tent.

How does the printed text compare to the image?

While Roosevelt does not rank the freedoms based on his view of their importance, the image clearly suggests that freedom of religion is primary.
While Roosevelt does not rank the freedoms based on his view of their importance, the image clearly suggests that freedom of religion is primary.

While Roosevelt does not name those who are the enemies of the freedom of religion, the image represents those nations that suppress or deny that freedom.
While Roosevelt does not name those who are the enemies of the freedom of religion, the image represents those nations that suppress or deny that freedom.

While Roosevelt stresses that freedom from want must be ensured across the globe, the image depicts that freedom in a more traditionally American context.
While Roosevelt stresses that freedom from want must be ensured across the globe, the image depicts that freedom in a more traditionally American context.

While Roosevelt suggests that it will be decades before these freedoms can be guaranteed, the image envisions their existence in the present day.