The scatter plot shows the length of a spring, in inches, when a stretch force, in pounds, is applied. The equation represents the linear model for this data.
y = 0.73x + 1
What does the number 0.73 in the equation mean in this context?
The spring has a length of 0.73 inch when no force is applied.
The spring has a length of 0.73 inch when no force is applied.
The spring stretches a distance of 1 inch when a force of 0.73 pound is applied.
The spring stretches a distance of 1 inch when a force of 0.73 pound is applied.
The spring will stretch 0.73 inch for every pound of force applied.
The spring will stretch 0.73 inch for every pound of force applied.
The spring has no stretch when a force of 0.73 pound is applied.
The spring has no stretch when a force of 0.73 pound is applied.
The spring stretches at a rate of 0.73 pound per inc