Read this excerpt from a passage and the works cited entry for the source listed below the excerpt.
Dr. Monica Brinkly, dentist and spokesperson for Clean N' Shiny toothpaste, thinks people should brush their teeth more
frequently. "Really, brushing only twice a day is not enough to keep our teeth and gums healthy. People should brush and floss
after each meal and snack in order for their teeth to stay clean and shiny."
Brinkly, Monica. "How to Keep Teeth Clean and Shiny." Dental Associates of America Annual Conference. 17 May 2015.
The Conference Center, Orlando, FL. Breakout session speech.
Is this source credible or not credible, and why or why not?
O This source is not credible because using content from any speech is not a reliable source to use in a research paper.
This source is credible because Dr. Brinkly is a dental professional and therefore she is a trustworthy expert regarding the
subject of dental hygiene.
This source is not credible because Dr. Brinkly is a spokesperson for a toothpaste company, which stands to profit from
people using its product more frequently.
O This source is credible because it was from a speech given at a national trade conference.k

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