Final Draft
-Wyntion, Marslis was an excellent musician. He didn't
just sit on the couch cating potato chips to
thrugh. He did things to get where
today Wynton marsalis worked hard...
get there,
All those years of working hard has gotten him
numerous Grammy Awards and became the first
jazz musician to recieve, the Pulitzer Prize for Music.
I have worked hard on
things that I wanted also.
I. Wanted to be a singer. To reach those goals and.
become better, i paid: for private lessons, joined
my church chain, and many more. My church had
turned... my microphone on You until I thought I.....
was ready to perform for months I did that, but a
week ago, the church and I thought I was ready to
performs for real. I was the lead singer, and performed
in front of my whote church. My parents and...
everyime at church thought I did great. I was so
proud of my self; and hmy. I Sing every Sundays
Wynton Marsalis and I are kind of ali-like