This is the program for the SMPL Simulation Model. What does this program model do? Give and explain the output from the execution of the program. #include #include "smpl.h" void main(void) { real Ta = 1; real Ts = 1.2; real te = 3.5; int customer = 1; int event; int server; smpl(0, "Mystery program"); 2 server=facility("server", 1); schedule(1, 0.0, customer); while (time() < te) { cause(&event,&customer); switch(event) { case 1: printf("(1) at %f ", time()); schedule(2, 0.0, customer); schedule(1, Ta, customer); break; case 2: printf("(2) at %f ", time()); if (request(server, customer, 0) == 0) printf("(2a) at %f ", time()); schedule(3, Ts, customer); } break; case 3: printf("(3) at %f ", time()); release(server, customer); break; } } }