hey I wrote an essay can somebody read over it and see if I need to change anything
Hi my name is Madelyn Wayne and I used to take electricity for granted then my life went upside down let's just rewind 1 month ago… “THROW IT THROW IT THROW IT !!”, Alexandra yells. It's the bottom of the ninth and 1 point away from winning. “ I GOT IT I GOT IT!”, I shout back. BAM the softball hits me in the head. The world is spinning like it is going down the drain. I fall to my knees and then the ground rushes up to meet me.
“WAKE UP”, someone says. my eyes crack open. a man stands there in weird shoes. I slowly make my way up to my feet. When I looked around there were stone houses. I reach in my back pocket to find my phone (I always carry it with me) instead I pull out a phone shaped rock. “Where am I ?” I ask. The man replies “little city , Alabama and what's your name stranger?” the man asks. “ Madelyn Wayne, what's your name ?” I ask. “ No time to talk, we have to hunt or else we can't have dinner tonight. The man says while running to the woods with a spear “Why can't we go and drive to Mcdonalds and get some burgers?” I asked. “ What's that? ``The man freezes in his tracks and drops the spear. “Never mind” I say as I walk toward the woods .
It felt like we were hunting forever. By night I asked him for a flashlight as of course he was confused. I was like where is the electricity? Finally we reached the house. It was really dark there .
With only a faint glow in the house. inside the house the man yelled “honey I got the food and I brought a guest” a woman's voice yelled back “bring the meat in here philip Oh and show me the guest” I was surprised to see that the floor was dirt and the walls were made of clay and wood. There weren't even lights in the house, only a hay bed, a little stone stove,a pot of water over a fire,and one woman. “Hi, my name is Madelyn Wayne. and one question: where is the electricity in this place.” I say.
Just then a little girl came inside and she had the biggest cut on her left breast area . She was bleeding bad and she was barely conscious too. We all rushed over there to the little girl as she collapsed. She said wolves then fell down . Philip caught her; it looked like it was very deep and it needed a hospital. It was going to get infected . “She needs medicine and a doctor”I say calmly “GET OUT!” the man screamed at me . “OK”I say . Just then his hand came back and smacked me super hard. I stumble back and the world is spinning again…. “Hey are you OK”“ why did you throw it that hard”. I hear a swirl of words. I sit up and say "i had the craziest dream but, I'm fine, let's play" .
The End

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