Please help. 1-15. Rewrite each of the following sentences (they are the same as the first 10), to include direct and indirect object pronouns instead of the direct and indirect objects. Then, translate these new sentences into English below.
Example: Dan las manzanas a nosotros. Nos las dan.
They give them to us.
1. ¿Me traéis los libros?
2. Rosario dice el secreto a Juan y Manuel.
3. Ella escribe la carta a Julio.
4. Pedimos más vino al mesero.
5. Juan me vende su bicicleta.
6. Manuel leyó su libro a nosotros.
7. Compro la cena para Francisco.
8. Cierro todas las ventanas para ti.
9. ¿Preparo el café para ustedes?
10. Ella dio el regalo a vosotros.
Rewrite each of the sentences in two ways (placing the pronouns both before the conjugated verb and attached to the infinitive). Example: Quiero servir el café a ti. Te lo quiero servir.
Quiero servírtelo.
NOTE: When attaching pronouns to the infinitive, you must add an accent mark! This accent mark will always be placed on the -A, -E or -I of the two-letter infinitive ending.
In the example above, the original verb is servir, so the accent is placed over the 'i' in the ending.
11. Debes llevar el traje a Juan.
12. Voy a abrir la puerta a ellos.
13. Tenemos que dar el dinero a ti.
14. Manuel no quiere leer el libro a mí.
15. Jorge no puede traer las llaves a nosotros.

Please Help 115 Rewrite Each Of The Following Sentences They Are The Same As The First 10 To Include Direct And Indirect Object Pronouns Instead Of The Direct A class=