Part II: July 13, PM
Henry started oral rehydration with an isotonic solution containing electrolytes, glucose, and water.
containing ele
Why didn't the paramedic give Mark distilled water rather than an electrolyte/glucose solution?
As Mark recovered in the hospital, he related what happened to him earlier in the day. Since he was a
newcomer to desert areas, he saw no need to bring UV A/B sunblock or extra water on his trip from
Yuma to Blythe. Mark recalled seeing a coyote dart out between two bushes and he seemed to recollect
hitting the animal. The area was so isolated that his cell phone was useless. He waited by the car for a
while but then, about 10 AM, as the sun climbed, he saw a large body of water in the distance, possibly,
he thought, the Colorado River. The "river" was, in reality, a mirage, as he realized later after he had
walked some distance. He then started to become confused and could not find his way back to the
highway. Eventually he became very hot and threw away his shirt and hat.
Why did Mark become disoriented? How would you test your ideas to see if you are right? What
does your group think based on the information in the text?