Project: Identifying Internet Agreements
Choose three Web sites and research how each site presents the three types of Internet agreements. Write up your research in a matrix that briefly outlines what you find.

Assignment Guidelines:
Your response must fulfill the following requirements:

Show that you understand the clickwrap agreements that you entered with each site as a user of the site or a purchaser of something on the site.
Show that you understand the browsewrap agreement, where it is located, and how its presence on every page of a Web site is enforceable as a contract.
Show that you understand when a shrinkwrap agreement has been established and entered and how to reject it.
Note: usually the shrinkwrap agreements will be included in a package when your ordered a product from the Web site, but they may also be a contract mailed to you separately, either in regular mail or email, as in the Y0uTube advertising page or media kits.

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