Read the primary source from Bernardino de Sahagún and answer the following questions:
What is Bernardino de Sahagún describing?
What are the effects of this disease?
What is his tone?
Contextualization: how does his identity/life experience give credibility to this text and his observations?

Written in 1550s
Bernardino de Sahagun was a Spanish Priest who was sent to Mexico, where the Aztec empire was located
He compiled an account of the Aztecs for decades, and his findings were published in Spain

“[The disease] brought great desolation: a great many died of it. They could no longer walk about, but lay in their dwellings and sleeping places, no longer able to move or stir. They were unable to change position, to stretch out on their sides or face down, or raise their heads. And when they made a motion, they called out loudly. The pustules that covered people caused great desolation; very many people died of them, and many just starved to death; starvation reigned, and no one took care of others any longer. On some people, the pustules appeared only far apart, and they did not suffer greatly, nor did many of them die of it. But many people’s faces were spoiled by it, their faces were made rough. Some lost an eye or were blinded.”