For the third time, I studied the room as discreetly as possible, trying to look for anything out of place. Somehow, I had previously missed an ordinary looking man in the corner booth; he was easy to overlook, yet he seemed like he overlooked nothing as he also scanned the room, fiddling with his keys. My room study was interrupted when one of my crew members, growing paranoid, suggested we leave. I was reluctant to go just yet, but the others agreed. With that, we departed and made our way along the back streets and alleys as discreetly as possible.

Hearing orders being barked ahead, I looked up and saw a group of military police officers marching towards us. We quickly dove down a narrow alleyway and ducked behind a car. Had they seen us? If so, we were trapped now as this alley was a dead end.

where is the foreshadowing happening in this?

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