[As the curtain rises, Alex finds he’s inside the video game he’s been playing in his bedroom. The Equipment Dealer counts his money protectively.]
Alex: Why, you’re the supplier of powerful and rare equipment!
Equipment Dealer: Maybe I am the merchant of this abandoned station, but more importantly, I’m a famous mechanic and inventor. Are you ready to deal? My goods are much sought after by smugglers, but those with the most purchasing power are seldom disappointed.
Alex: I may as well buy some new equipment—the premium goods, or perhaps I’ve been playing this video game for too long?
Equipment Dealer: I don’t know what you mean by this game; only an ancient card game is played here. You are taking too long; likely I don’t have what you’re looking for, and you should return later.
Alex: I’ve heard this conversation before; the next time I visit, you’ll show me the best merchandise to enhance my strength, dexterity, and awareness. I feel a bit like Alice passing through a mirror into another world, only my world is a video game!
Equipment Dealer: It’s time for you to answer now; open your mouth a little wider when you speak, and always address me as, “Keeper of Artifacts.” I suppose it isn’t apparent the treasures this station might hold?
Alex: No, indeed.
Equipment Dealer: And yet I don’t know—only think how inconvenient it would be if you left this station without an object of salvation! For instance, you might find yourself in a situation of great turmoil and need assistance in your quest, or perhaps in your desire to dominate every known space.
Alex: Let me think—I haven’t made many visits to this station before. I’ve never earned enough money, and your premium goods are extremely expensive.
Equipment Dealer: Well, I’d say it’s rather up to your skill how many times you’ve visited this station, so maybe you aren’t the last hope; it appears doubtful now that you’ve acquired and mastered the awesome power needed to determine the destiny of this entire galaxy!
Alex: It’s so difficult; it’s rather hard to understand how to complete my mission since there are more than forty skills to learn to control.
Equipment Dealer: But you have made it to a most well-known location. Look at the map!
[He moves a model spaceship between individual planets on a map spread on his counter. ]
Alex: That shows the entire game, that map! I wouldn’t mind taking that home with me; then I could certainly become a savior and hero.
Equipment Dealer: Shhh, switch your language or bargain through a translator, and construct a disguise, quickly!
[He hastily shoves the map underneath his counter. ]
Alex: Hmm, I don’t have another language yet, so I’d better exit now. Tell me, which is the way back to ...reality?
[He awakes in his bedroom, game controller in hand.]
How does Alex feel about this level of the video game? Be sure to use evidence from the passage to support your response. Write your answer in the space below.