Graded Assignment Rubric
Lab Report: Organisms
Grades are based on quality and timeliness. Responses should be well written (use a spell-checker) and should clearly address all parts of the experiment. Use the rubric to maximize your grade on your lab report.
Criterion Exemplary (5 points) Proficient (3-4 points) Emerging (1-2 points) Not evident (0 points)
Introduction Includes a clear description of the purpose of the experiment, concepts related to the experiment, and a hypothesis. Includes a partial description of the purpose of the experiment, concepts related to the experiment, and a hypothesis. Includes a partial description of the purpose of the experiment, concepts related to the experiment, and a hypothesis. Some of the descriptions are incorrect. Missing an Introduction section.
Experimental Methods Includes a clear description of the tools used to conduct the experiment and how the experiment was conducted. Includes a partial description of the tools used to conduct the experiment and how the experiment was conducted. Includes a vague description of the tools used to conduct the experiment and how the experiment was conducted. Missing an Experimental Methods section.
Data and Observations Provides data and observations that are easy to read and interpret. If data tables and/or graphs are created as a part of the experiment, they are appropriately labeled. Provides some data and observations, but some information is missing. Data tables and/or graphs provided may be lacking labels. Provides few data or observations. Missing a Data and Observations section.

Makes evidence-based claims about the results of the experiment and cites data or observations. Includes reasoning to support the claims. Proposes a new, testable question to further investigate a topic related to the experiment. Makes evidence-based claims about the results of the experiment and cites data or observations. Does not include reasoning to support the claims. Proposes a new, testable question to further investigate a topic related to the experiment. Makes claims about the results of the experiment but does not include evidence or reasoning to support the claims. The proposed new question is not testable. Missing a Conclusion section.