QUEEMMYIAH4GO QUEEMMYIAH4GO Mathematics Answered Singular: me, you, him, her, it Plural: us, you, them antecedent that is unclear, or ambiguous. has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought acts as or restates the subject of a sentence I do enjoy rollerblading, but sometimes I just enjoy relaxing to music. (example) consists of the word to plus a verb in its simplest form contains at least two independent clauses My brother himself made the sandwich. (example) can be in the present tense (ending in –ing) or the past tense (usually ending in –ed) acts as a noun in a sentence Frank called Nick on the phone, but he didn't say anything. (example) When the hurricane is headed our way, we will need to board up our windows tightly. (example) emphasizes, or intensifies, a noun or pronoun in a sentence modifies a noun or pronoun created when a pronoun does not agree in number with its antecedent contains both a subject and a verb shows ownership a noun or a pronoun that renames or identifies another noun or pronoun in some way 1. subjective pronoun 2. objective pronoun (example) 3. possessive pronoun 4. intensive pronoun 5. reflexive pronoun 6. A shift in number 7. vague pronoun (example) 8. vague pronoun 9. adjective phrase 10. adverb phrase 11. appositive 12. sentence 13. compound sentence 14. complex sentence (example) 15. dependent clause (example) 16. participle 17. gerund 18. infinitive