7.2 Classwork1. Is there an association between the use of painkillers during pregnancy and thelikelihood of miscarriage? Scientists interviewed 1009 pregnant women soon after theygot positive results from pregnancy tests about their use of painkillers around the time ofconception or in the early weeks of pregnancy. The scientists then recorded which ofthe pregnancies were successfully carried to term. The results are shown in the tablebelow. (NSAIDS are a class of painkiller that includes aspirin and ibuprofen.) Doesthere appear to be an association between having a miscarriage and using painkillers?Total75172MiscarriageNSAIDs18Acetaminophen 24No painkiller 103Total145No miscarriage571486598647621009(a) What is the expected count for the cell with NSAID use and Miscarriage?(b) Find all expected counts and add them to the table above.(C) What is the contribution to the chi-square statistic for the cell with NSAID use andMiscarriage?(d) Find all six contributions.(e) What is the value of the chi-square test statistic for these data?(f) What are the degrees of freedom for the test? What is the p-value?