Sorry, this is a lot, trying to write, opinions??


I was only 8 when I first felt the need to have a family.

I walked into the girl’s room, just finishing my chores. We all had a few things to do and we all helped each other or we would get beat with a whip. I was just finishing some of Lucy’s clothes. She was only 2, so she was just starting to do her chores. Since it's the beginning of chores, she was popped with a ruler sometimes. I went to put her clothes away and she was on her bed crying.
“Hey,” I set her clothes down next to us, “What’s the matter?”
She was sniffling so I hugged her and massaged her hands. I took her to the bathroom and ran her hands under cold water. “Better?”
She nodded. “Tank you, Jenni.”
“Of course, Luce, any time.”
We walked back to her bed and she started to pick up the toys on her bed and I put her clothes away and made her bed. All the other girls start to trail in. That's my cue.
I grabbed Lucy’s hand, “Come on, Luce. Henry should be in the hall now” I start to make my way out of our room. I looked around and I couldn't see him. I felt his hand extended to my shoulder.
As I turn, he says, “Boo.”
I smile, “Ha”.
He ignores me then looks at Lucy, “Hey, little Lu-Lu. You ok?”. He holds his hand out to her. She gives him her hand and he examines it. He kisses her hand then says, “You'll be ok”. She smiles then runs back in the room. He looks at me and starts to say “I need t-”, but right then he is cut off as the big chubby guard grabs him by the shirt and yells at him.
“You, boy, stay away from them girls!” He threw him in the boys room direction and Henry ran looking back at me. I just wished I could follow him or him to come back to me, but I quickly ran into the room before he got the chance to turn around and lecture me about being a proper girl.I don't want to be a proper girl.
We were having soup and chicken but not really chicken for dinner. I don't like cutting up the meat we had once every 3 months. I don't like to eat soup with a small spoon. I mean, come on. Either you eat it fast with that small spoon or you drink the soup. Everyone says both are improper, but Henry does it. I do whatever he does, and he isn't proper. Mostly.

"I want to tell you something.." Henry said. He was my only friend there at the orphanage. He was 11, 3 years older than me. He was always there for me, never letting anyone hurt me. Most of the time, I was always in his sight. He tucked me in for bed and sighed, then he kneeled down.
"What is it, Henry ?" I started to get worried again. I was always worried about him. I tried to figure out what he was upset about. "Were those big kids messing with you again?" I gasped. Henry always got into fights with those guys but he would never told me why.
"No,no,no. Everything is fine, I just wanted to tell you about having a family and what it means." he said calmly. "I want you to know what a family really is, and it isn’t here, do you think you will be able to quickly learn it before you sleep?" He was waiting for me to respond.
" Sure," I yawned and whispered, " be quick or I'll fall asleep". I smiled a tiny bit, because my face wasn't strong enough to fully smile. My cheeks felt like a ton of bricks. I saw him smile before my eyes started to close.
"Ok,."I heard him sniffle and opened my eyes widely.
"Don't cry", I wiped his tears away, " Hopefully someone will love us both.." I closed my eyes. I buried myself in the cover, trying to get warm again.
I heard him climb up to his bed and he whispered,"Good night, little Jenny."
"Good night.." I didn't know what to say, but I figured something out before he noticed," good night, Big Hen."
I heard him chuckle softly and whispered, " Night.."