Circle the object that is being personified in each statement. Then underline the
word or words that show the human quality that the object has been given.
1. The wilted flowers begged for water.
2. The nail walted in fear for the next blow.
3. The tired old shoes wanted only to rest in the closet.
4. The ripe. red strawberries smiled up at me from their bowl.
5. The earth felt she had nothing left to give.
6. The bells sang as our sled sped over the hills.
7. The cold snowflakes kissed our cheeks.
8. The old tree waited patiently for spring to return again.
9. The car raced triumphantly across the finish line.
10. The forest loved even the smallest of the animals.
I. The playful waves tickled our toes.
12. The lonely teddy bear sat on the shelf. wondering if anyone would buy him.
13. The crayons waited eagerly, hoping Jenny would use them again.

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