website. This will prevent you from trying to “remember” what you used later and also makes sure you can quickly return to your sources if you do the assignment over multiple days.
Commodity Name ____Silver USD/t.oz Commodity Units (Abbreviation) ____(USD/t.oz) Commodity Units (What does the abbreviation stand for?) ____United States Dollars___ What is the date of the latest price information available 18.916 (you may only use trading economics as a source for this data) (it may only give you the month and year): Month ___10__ Day _18__ Year _2022___. What is the most recent price of your commodity? $18.916
What was the price of your commodity 12 months prior to the most recent pri$23.673 Is this an increase or decrease in price? decrease in price $4.757 What are three things this commodity is used to make? dental alloys, solder and brazing alloys, electrical contacts and batteries. was the highest price in the time period was $26.363 $18.864
Decrease in demand
Decrease in supply
The factors affecting silver prices are similar to those affecting gold, such as the US dollar's exchange rate, inflation, Central bank interest rate decisions, crude oil price trends, and the stock market's performance. The US dollar's exchange rate impacts silver's price trends.. This must be consistent with your answer to item 13 and your description of market conditions in item 14 If Price increases, then Quantity Demanded decreases. If Price decreases, then Quantity Demanded increases. If Price increases, then Quantity Supplied increases. If Price decreases, then Quantity Supplied decreases. demand or supply and how it caused the change in demand or supply you are arguing is the cause of the change in price of your commodity.
led to a surplus or shortage. __led to a surplus A surplus exists when the price is above equilibrium, which encourages sellers to lower their prices to eliminate the surplus. A shortage will exist at any price below equilibrium, which leads to the price of the good increasing.